Saturday, 24 May 2014

God bless the coffe! Probably is the student college’s best friend ever! What I Say… best friend for all the people! There is nothing better than a good cup of coffe in any moment! Even if is hot, you can drink ice coffe with vanilla ice cream. My favorite part to drink coffe is the store Starbucks, because they have a lot of types of coffe and the coffe’s smell when you enter the reception is wonderfull. Besides, Starbucks has Wi-Fi and a nice place to study and hangout with people.
There are many Starbucks in Santiago, and I think I visit all… but my favorite one
I guess is in the Street Pedro de Valdivia. I like that one in special because its places to sit down and drink coffe are downstairs in a underground room. It’s very quit by the way and there a lot of soft couch. I use to go with Tommy to study every Saturday in the morning to that place. So it’s kind a familiar to us.  I really like drink all the Frapuccinos they serve, but my favorite is the White Mocca. When I’m no money, I just drink Vanilla Latte, but also I buy muffins of blueberry.

If I would to choose one reason why the Starbucks is a great place to eat is because you can go any time you want and enjoy the delicious coffe. It’s a nice place to hangout with your friends, just look at “Friends”! They drink coffe in all the episode. I hope when I got money, I really like visit “Central Perk” in New York!

Friday, 9 May 2014

                As well as you know (I guess), I study Psychology in Universidad de Chile. And one the phenomenon I really interested by is the Depression.  But, the Depression in the DSM 5 is defined as a sicknnes with too much causes. So, I’ll present this topic from the behaviorism perspective. I don’t know why the people hates this perspective if it’s probably the only one who has real cientific evidence in Psychology. That’s is the reason I choose it and because in my opinion is a problem very extended in a important number of college students. So, I think is gonna be a polemic presentation. I hope not, because is just a presentation for the class.
                At the first, I’ll talk about the definition and the feauture of this behavior problem in general. Then, some experiments that showed how this phenomenon was discovered. Yes, with animals discovered that, but just  remember this kind of research was did in a years with no ethic committe. And not for that, the research has less creditibility. Going with, I’ll offer a solution for this problem. I would really like to receive judges about the possible solutions, not judges about behaviorism. Thanks!
As always, I led you guys a link with an experiment very interisting in students!